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Returning Volunteers

Yearly volunteer renewal is required for all volunteers or those involved in ministries. 


1. Register for Renewal Class - Coming Soon

6/24/2020 Update

New this year the Diocese will release a training that is required for all volunteers/staff/etc. This will replace Foundation and Renewal training for this year. Due to Covid-19 regulations St. Monica will be allowing all those participating in training to complete the course online.   The training is expected to go live no later than 8/1/2020. This training will last approximately 1 hour. You will be able to pause and return as needed. A quiz will follow the presentation and participants must achieve 80% or higher to receive credit for the training. This will be the only training that will be accepted for those requiring a St. Monica badge. Please do not take training at another parish.

We will be offering some live training for those who do not use a computer or have a need otherwise. Those dates will be released mid-July. You must register for training with Misty Gilmore. No other staff member will be able to receive your reservation. Please call Misty at 214-366-7115 or email at


Due to social distancing guidelines, there will only be 25 seats available for each class.

Since 2010 we have required live on-site training for all those who receive a St. Monica badge. The current accommodation is temporary and we will return to only live on-site training as soon as possible.


Once the diocese releases the training our website will be updated and our newsletter will have the details and instructions for accessing the training.


No other Safe Environment requirements have changed. Each person will still complete the appropriate steps based on their status. All new participants will still complete the screening form, reference checks, background check, and in-person interview with our Safe Environment Director.


Thank you for working with us to meet our Safe Environment requirements as well as Covid-19 regulations.


2. Badge Photo


Badge photos will be taken at the beginning of class if necessary. Please arrive early if possible.


The Screening Form is only filled out in Year 1.

Reference Checks are only conducted in Year 1

The Personal Interview is only conducted in Year 1.

Criminal History Re-Check - If you are up to date on your annual training, the re-check will be conducted automatically every two years.

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